Meet Our Coaching Partners

Marion Decker Blank
Insights Discovery Practitioner and Coach

Monica Carmuliga
Learning and Development

Marie-Louise Zollinger
Executive Coach and Facilitator

Ich baue Brücken zwischen unternehmerischen Anforderungen und menschlichen Bedürfnissen. Eine betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung, gepaart mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Führungskräften, bilden dafür die Basis. Meine Arbeitsweise ist geprägt durch meine persönliche Grundhaltung.

Monica Camuglia has worked in the areas of coaching, training and organizational development since 2002. Her focus is on customer orientation, team development, corporate culture and leadership development.

Marie-Louise Zollinger, MBA, is a Credentialed ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with additional certifications in team facilitation and transformational change management. She is an inspiring, creative and results-focused professional with business and senior leadership experience in highly competitive global organization environments.

Professionalität und Verlässlichkeit – gesagt ist getan!
Aufgrund meiner beruflichen Erfahrung im Industrieumfeld denke ich mich schnell in neue Organisationen mit den entsprechenden Prozessen und Strukturen ein.
Wenn ich eine Zusammenarbeit eingehe, hat das Erreichen der gewünschten Ziele meiner Kunden höchste Priorität für mich. Auf mein „Ja“ können Sie sich verlassen.

Aufgrund meiner langjährigen Praxiserfahrung im HR-Umfeld der Industrie habe ich stets die individuelle Umsetzung des Erlernten im Blick. Häufig ist die Theorie gut – besser ist sie mit einem pragmatischen Ansatz zum Umgang damit im beruflichen Alltag.

Ich bin ein Mensch, der transparent ist und vorurteilsfrei auf andere zugeht. Ich scheue mich nicht, auch unangenehme Fragen zu stellen, wenn diese wichtig sind zur Klärung eines Anliegens. Meine positive Grundeinstellung begleitet mich bei meiner Arbeit.

She is committed to conscious design of relationships between employees, colleagues and managers – but also with customers and partners. Based on her experience she believes, that understanding oneself and others is a basic requirement to good communication.

In her work with individuals as well as with teams she links the importance of the transfer of these developed insights with an immediate improvement of internal processes and interactions. She is convinced that this is a successful feature of a holistically successful company.

Monica facilitates and coaches with empathy and an excellent perception of the process. Her commitment, enthusiasm and her contagious fascination for life are labels of her work. Customers appreciate her effective and result-oriented approach and her ability to adapt to unanticipated topics as well as her capability to address sensitive aspects with a gentle, respectful and appreciative approach.

Monica has a Degree in Education as well as in Business Administration and continuing training in systemic coaching, organizational development and Jungian Psychology. She is experienced working with various organisational levels and branches, in Tourism, IT and Finance Industries.

She has more than 12 years executive coaching and change facilitation experience and over 25 years of experience as a business executive and entrepreneur.

She works with leadership teams and individual leaders globally and locally, with multinationals, smaller international companies including start-ups across a wide range of industries.

Her clients she enables to effectively use their strengths and to develop their full potential for authentic leadership and impactful presence. Leaders that have worked with Marie-Louise appreciate that they move on with more clarity, energy and focus. As a result they are better equipped, feel stronger, more dynamic and resourceful in face of their challenges.

Marie-Louise is striving for excellence in her work with clients and continuously stays in touch with innovation and new developments in leadership and coaching around the globe. She is an active member of several professional organizations with a dedication to set high benchmarks in the practical application of leadership development.

Marie-Louise Zollinger is originally from Zürich and has worked and lived in the USA, Europe, Latin America and Asia. Currently she is based in Zug, Switzerland. She coaches in English and German / Swiss German.

Privately, Marie-Louise is married and has 3 adult daughters. She has a passion for water sports, travelling and design.

Global Contracts

We have a global network of 170 professional coaches who also specialize in using the Insights Discovery Tool. We can coordinate your global coaching contract for you, rolling out cohesive leadership development and team building programs which ensure that no mater which continent your people are on, they will receive the same high quality coaching experience.